Decarbonization CO2
What is this all about?
We are helping to transform the way we light up our world.
Lighting accounts for almost 6% of global CO2 emissions. A global shift to energy-efficient technology (LED) could save more than 1,400 million tons of CO2 and prevent the construction of 1,250 power plants.
According to the historic Paris Agreement, we have to change. Effective, quick and permanent actions are imperative to help mitigate the harmful effect of climate change. With savings of up to 50-70%,
How can we be the light of change?
At Lightenjin, with a multidisciplinary team and with a vision based on innovation and continuous improvement, we have as our cornerstone, energy efficiency, whether in the integration of the latest generation of LEDs, or in coupling intelligent management systems to monitor any type of lighting.
In Lightenjin’s DNA you can see its clear vision of being unique in the market and meeting the various variables that the market requires from us.
One of the biggest challenges was ecological responsibility.
Check it:
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It’s possible for the 4 sectors of activity to make the following comparison between LED technology and conventional technology.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][space height=”14″][progress_bar title=”OFFICES – 66% – 17.397 ton CO2″ percent=”66″ barcolor=”#b4bb15″ trackcolor=”#bbbbbb” line_height=”35″ font_size=”14″ text_position=”inside” speed=”normal” animation_delay=”0″][progress_bar title=”RETAIL – 59% – 350.634 ton CO2″ percent=”59″ barcolor=”#b4bb15″ trackcolor=”#bbbbbb” line_height=”35″ font_size=”14″ text_position=”inside” speed=”normal” animation_delay=”0″][progress_bar title=”INDUSTRY – 69% – 884.059 ton CO2 ” percent=”69″ barcolor=”#b4bb15″ trackcolor=”#bbbbbb” line_height=”35″ font_size=”14″ text_position=”inside” speed=”normal” animation_delay=”0″][progress_bar title=”PUBLIC LIGHTING – 77% – 232.315 ton CO2″ percent=”77″ barcolor=”#b4bb15″ trackcolor=”#bbbbbb” line_height=”35″ font_size=”14″ text_position=”inside” speed=”normal” animation_delay=”0″][space height=”15″][/vc_column][/vc_row]