Congratulations to Lightenjin!
It is Lightenjin II’s 3rd birthday and Lightenjin I’s 13th birthday.
Both are to be congratulated for the success and increasing performance.
The experience acquired over the years by Lightenjin can be seen in the different lighting areas, in the broad range of efficient and sustainable products, in the available lighting services, in the new industrial facilities,
in the specialized technical equipments such as a photometry laboratory and a temperature test chamber, and in the specialized employees.At Lightenjin success can be confirmed by client satisfaction, from the early stage of the lighting project to the supply of luminaires and management services, all the way to the products performance throughout the years.
Lightenjin thanks the clients for their trust. Thanks the business partners, the company partners and the employees for the effort, engagement and permanent search for overcoming.
Lightenjin’s wish is that the future brings repeated successes, always achieved through client satisfaction.