Public lighting and well-being
Gone are the times when only on nights with a full moon and clear skies could people venture into the night, safely, without carrying a mobile light source. Today, taking advantage of the knowledge accumulated over more than a century (since the invention of electricity) and its application in the fields of technology, public lighting is a fundamental instrument in the citizen’s quality of life. More than a guarantee of the safety of users of public spaces – the first motive for the development of its technical foundation and its methodical planning – public lighting makes it possible to extend many of the experiences of daily daytime into the night.
These experiences, however, then gain a new dimension, as quality public lighting gives them an added beauty through aesthetics, the volume of light and shadows and the selective highlighting of the added value of each space, creating scenarios where the citizen is an actor who can safely rehearse his life. There is no sustainable urbanism without public lighting.
The recognized quality of Lightenjin’s public lighting systems has effective consequences in improving the image of a city, boosting its tourism, stimulating its commerce, capitalizing on confidence in its nighttime leisure and prioritizing public roads, for example, at the same time as creating its own identity, always with high standards of energy efficiency and reduced maintenance needs, thus contributing to the sustainable development of the communities that benefit from them.
Lightenjin public lighting solutions mobilize the latest knowledge of new LED technologies, following current precepts that allow you to combine, with security and urbanism already referenced, other aspects essential to quality standards such as visual comfort, control of luminous flux depending on needs at each moment, as well as improving the direction of this flow, minimizing waste and light pollution.
In these current precepts, Lightenjin highlights the physiological response to light, an issue that directly influences the well-being of users, minimizing the impacts of artificial light on human health, without neglecting, however, the importance of correct color restitution in the appropriate contexts.
324 / 5 000 Resultados da tradução Resultado de tradução New public lighting systems can also provide new services, where each luminaire has a unique identification and is integrated into an intelligent network that manages lighting, such as variation of luminous flux, fault detection, predictive maintenance and biodynamic control of color temperature.